Jim Edlin
User experience designer and full-stack web developer with deep experience in dynamic web application design and development (JS/Node and LAMP stacks).

Volunteer website developer for political campaigns - primarily for state-level political offices. Member of teams creating and maintaining multiple websites for 2019 candidates for Virginia House of Delegates and Senate. Member of website "SWAT" team making rapid response updates to candidate sites. Working primarily in Wordpress, including custom theme development, with integrations to 3rd-party systems e.g. NGP-VAN and ActBlue.
Founder, sole proprietor and principal developer of StarCharm.com - e-commerce site marketing custom-personalized astrological jewelry. Site built on Wordpress / Woo Commerce with custom plugins to display personalized images, accessing database via API. Sold business in 2023.

Member of engineering team developing and maintaining high volume e-commerce marketplace site for microlending. Helped evolve site from desktop-only LAMP architecture to responsive design with Vue front end and graphQL back end. Also participated in UI/UX design, product planning and user research.

Member of development team for Chug.net vertical automotive search engine startup. Primarily did javascript/jQuery front end development. (Site UI was almost 100% client-side.) Extensive use of jQuery plug-ins for dynamic graphs, filtering, sorting, and other user interactions.

Maintained and enhanced e-commerce AJAX website and back end systems for SmartRoam.net (later Chattimeapp.com), a Singapore telecom company offering VOIP-based local phone numbers in 57 countries that redirect to any other number of a customer's choice. Development in PHP5 with CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.

Sole technical co-founder of startup developing a “counseling and relationship-strengthening” website for couples. (Concept: “Match.com helps you get together; The2ofYou.com helps you stay together.”) Led site design, development and testing, managed infrastructure, managed offshore contract developers. Site was heavily AJAX, using Railo, Prototype/Scriptaculous, MySQL. Also, together with three other cofounders, collaborated in all the myriad activities involved in launching a startup.

Designed, developed and launched enhancements and updates to high-volume transactional web e-commerce system for JumpStart Automotive Media. Created consumer-facing AJAX car-selection configurator in MVC environment using Coldfuson MX7, MySQL, Javascript/Prototype and a bit of Java. Also created back-end AJAX management tool for this configurator, allowing extensive customization of appearance and operation by each of client's customers. Implemented framework for SOAP web service transactions between client's system and systems of client's B2B customers.

Led numerous projects to define, choose, adopt, design and implement technology solutions for this network of nonprofit organizations to support its mission of"actively promoting change toward a healthy and just society." Acted as CTO for development and launch of eGrants internet donation-processing system (now merged into NetworkForGood.org, a part of Bonterra). Also developed other e-commerce sites. Led design and development of extranets for Tides Foundation donors and Tides Center projects, including online reports derived from financial systems-of-record.


Masters level program for working professionals - Certificate

Bachelor of Arts (cum laude)